Wandering Aunt

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Others May Not Understand, And That's Okay

During my 8-week Yoga Teacher Training, one of the requirements is to attend 60 yoga classes - 57 with CorePower Yoga and 3 outside classes. Getting in 60 classes in 8 weeks is quite ambitious! Aside from the time requirement, it's physically demanding on your body. I love a good challenge though, so I set out from the beginning with the intention of completing all 60 classes in 8 weeks. 

Teacher Training ended on December 16th. As the end neared, I realized I still had 15 classes left to attend in order to make my goal. I also realized that I needed to get in 2 more flights on Southwest Airlines in order to keep my coveted A-list status. CorePower Yoga has more than 150 studios all over the country. I had the brilliant (and slightly crazy) idea of flying to another city, hopping yoga studios to get classes in and knocking out another flight on Southwest. I found an $80 round trip flight to Chicago so my plan was coming together. I would fly to Chicago early in the morning, hop around to different yoga classes and fly back to Dallas in the evening (on the same day).

The day before I was set to leave, I kept thinking of how I could get in another flight to keep my status. I got on Southwest's website and saw that there was a RT flight in/out Chicago for only $76 on the day I would be there. Change of plans! I quickly packed a bag, called a Lyft and changed my flight on the way to the airport - 1.5 hours before the flight left. I flew to Chicago on a Monday evening and got a hotel at the Intercontinental on the Mile using my IHG Rewards. I got up the next morning, went to a 6 am yoga class, ran back to the hotel, showered and hopped on the train back to the airport. I then caught a 10 am flight back to Dallas. I was scheduled to have a 2-hour layover in Dallas (because the flight prior would be leaving before I arrived). We happened to land 15 min early, so I ran to the gate of the already boarded flight back to Chicago and changed my ticket! My plans were unfolding even better than I had imagined. I landed back in Chicago around 2:30 and took the train back to the city and went straight to another yoga class. After that class was finished, I walked several blocks to another studio and attended my 3rd class for the day. I then jetted back to the train station, caught a flight back to Dallas and was home by 11:30 that night. 

It was a wild and adventurous day. I walked nearly 13 miles in just over 24 hours, attended 3 yoga classes, and had 4 flights to/from Dallas and Chicago. Needless to say, I was exhausted by the time I got home. 

I write all of this not to gloat on myself (well, maybe slightly), but rather to provide encouragement. So many times we allow our inner critic or the voice of others to stop us from living a life we fully love. How many times have you wanted to do something, but stopped yourself because someone asked you, "Why would you want to do that?" Others may not understand or think you are crazy for doing something spontaneous and nonsensical, and that's okay. I had so many people ask me, "But, Why??". Perhaps to them, it sounds ridiculous, terrifying, not fun, or just crazy. Listen to yourself and have fun anyway. 

And I don't fault anyone for asking "why". Yes, it seems silly to take 4 flights and attend 3 yoga classes in a frigid windy city, but to me, it was just what I wanted and needed to do. And if nothing else, you'll have a good story to tell after. 

Be spontaneous. Do something that seems ridiculous or impossible. And document it after. You'll be proud of yourself for trying.