Year End Reflection Practice

Tis the season for gathering, celebrating, giving & receiving, and completion as we look forward to this new year. So often we’re in a space of readiness—ready for the holidays to come so that we can gather with loved ones both near and far away; ready for the stress of gathering to melt away (oh the irony there); ready for the year to be over so that new energy can breathe life into your world. While readiness is a beautiful anticipatory space to be in, it is also one that can pull us away from this moment right here.

Whether you had a year full of excitement and growth, one of heaviness, heartache, and struggle, or somewhere in between, it’s important to take time to go inward and reflect on where you started and where you are now before jumping ahead.

So often this moment of reflection is rushed or missed entirely. We want to skip over it because of the time and energy it takes, or we wish to avoid it because looking back can be too painful. Yet, I believe it is one of the most beneficial and needed work we can do and one of the greatest gifts we can offer ourselves before launching into the next chapter. You will see things you may not have noticed before and discover valuable lessons that will leave you with gratitude.

This is a great practice to do at the end of a calendar year, the time around your birthday, and any other noteworthy milestone or anniversary.

My birthday happens to fall just 12 days before the end of the calendar year, so I have the luxury of doing my year-end reflection and birthday reflection at the same time. Depending on when your birthday falls, you may like to do another reflection at that time.

Year-End or Milestone Reflection Practice

  1. Choose your space. Where is somewhere that inspires you to create and receive insights? Is it outside somewhere in nature? On a run or on a hike? Is it in the quiet of your room with candles lit? Is it in a cozy coffee shop while sipping on your favorite beverage?

  2. Choose how you would like to capture your reflections. Journal and a favorite pen. Laptop. Voice note. Choose what feels aligned for you. I personally like to write it all out in my journal first and then document it on my computer.

  3. Set the tone for your experience. I like to start my reflection experience with meditation. I call in my guides, helpers, and angels to support me in remembering. I go for a quiet walk in nature to reflect and receive inspiration. I use Oracle cards to support summing up my theme for the year. If you don’t have access to any of this or wish to go about it another way, do you. Do what feels most aligned and inspiring to you.

  4. Inventory Time. This is a great way to go back through your year and recall any highlights, challenges, or areas of growth you want to capture.

    • What was your word, phrase, or intention for the year? What did you set at the beginning of the year as your area of focus? What intentions did you set or commitments did you make?

    • Go through the year month by month or by season: Write any major themes, milestones, or experiences that come to mind. If you are a documenter, you can go back through your photos on your phone or on social media to see where you were. Make a list under each month or season of what you notice and remember.

    • List all the places you traveled to: Did you travel to another city or state? Of go outside of the country? Where did you go? Write down what you remember.

    • Support team: Who were your top supporters throughout the year? Who were the people who supported you by your side and behind the scenes? Who were the strangers who showed up along the way to support you?

    • Go back to your word, phrase, or intention for the year. How did this stay present throughout the year? Did you keep your commitments or release them? Did you forget about what you desired to be your theme or area of focus? Even if you forgot, how can you connect the dots from your highlights, challenges, and experiences to your initial intention? If you switched or added an intention, note that. Write anything that surfaces for you around this.

    • What were some of your favorite memories or experiences from the year? Take a moment to reflect and write out or note what comes to you.

    • What were some of the challenges or trials you faced during the year? Take a deep breath. Allow yourself to be present to what comes and give yourself extra love and grace as you reflect.

    • What surprised you most about this past year? Are there any experiences, people, or opportunities that came into your life or surprised you?

  5. What word would you use to sum up your past year? Look over your list and see if there is a certain theme or word that comes to mind. How does this word connect to your initial intention or theme for the year?

  6. Gratitudes. As you look back over your list, what are you most grateful for this year? Go back to your Support team and who showed up for you. List any areas of surprises, miracles, or people/opportunities who came into your experience and supported you.

  7. Brags. What would you like to brag about for the year? What are you proud of? Go on, brag away!

  8. Choose your word, phrase, or theme for the new year. As you look back on your reflections, what energy do you wish to embody or call in for the coming year?

    • Write down the words that come to you. Say each word aloud and see how it feels in your body. Which word or words resonate most for you?

    • Pull Oracle cards to support in choosing your theme. Grab your favorite deck, or if you don’t have a deck, you can choose a deck for free here. I’ve also listed some of my favorite decks below. Take a deep breath. Focus on the energy you are calling in. From a space of stillness ask, “What is the theme or energy I am calling in for this new year?” Shuffle the cards until a card falls out or spread the cards across the table or floor and choose a card.

    • Read the message and choose a word or phrase that aligns with the message.

  9. Put your word/theme/phrase somewhere you can be present to it. Write it on a post-it and place it on your mirror or computer. Choose a photo that embodies the word and put it as the background on your phone or computer. Write it atop your calendar each month so it’s present for you.

  10. DANCE. CELEBRATE. SHARE. Soak in this experience by doing something fun for yourself. Have a dance party, or celebrate with a treat or experience. Get together with friends or call a friend to share your experience. You can also do this practice with friends and each share at the end to ritualize the experience and set the energy for the coming year.

What did you learn this year? What was your theme for the year? What are you calling in for the coming year? Drop in the comments and let me know!

My Favorite Oracle Decks for Reflection Rituals

If you're looking for support to set the tone for the new year and know what energy you'll be working with in 2024, schedule a 2024 Journey Session. Together, we will tune in and see what messages will serve as support along your journey in 2024. I offer a sliding scale to support people with what works best financially for them at this time. Schedule your session today!