Becoming Brave

Becoming Brave

What does it mean to you to be brave? What I am present to in reading others’ responses to being brave is that Brave looks different to each person yet holds a common denominator—strength and courage to take action when it would be easier to do nothing. So for some of us, speaking up and sharing our voice is a brave thing to do, while to others, it’s just a conversation. For some traveling to foreign lands or getting out of bed seems natural while to others it takes great strength and courage.

Being brave is a practice. It’s continuing to face discomfort and take action inside of it.

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Invisalign-ing Patience - The Parallels between Orthodontics & Starting a Business

Invisalign-ing Patience - The Parallels between Orthodontics & Starting a Business

It was around this time that I had also started my business and was navigating the world of being my own boss and learning to charge for my services. I thought committing to a multi-year journey with my teeth was challenging. Starting my own business, however, there was no preparing me for this ride.

It’s one thing to enter into something knowing how long it will take; it’s another to enter into something blindly believing it’s going to happen right away.

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A Brief History of Transformation

A Brief History of Transformation

How often do you reflect on your journey and how far you’ve come?

Lately, it seems like experiences from my past are resurfacing. I’m back to living with my sister and her family after 3-4 years of living in other places. I’m back in Dallas where I left 2 years ago while starting my nomadic journey. I’ve reconnected with relationships in my life that took various turns in the past. I said ‘Yes’ to a retreat not knowing where the money is going to come, and trusting that it will.

While these experiences feel the same, they’re different because I’m not the same person I was 5, 3, or even 1 year ago.

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My Surrender Experiment: 30 Blogs in 30(ish) Days

My Surrender Experiment: 30 Blogs in 30(ish) Days

What is My Mountain?

This is the question that beckoned my attention while I was climbing an actual mountain. Early on the morning of June 30, I woke with the clear knowing that I needed to go on a hike, and not just any hike, one that would challenge me. I followed this urge and headed to Mount Garfield. I had no idea that this hike—this climb—would lead me to write 30 blogs in 30-ish days. After I climbed the mountain, I knew I needed my own challenge. After I returned from my climb, I walked the labyrinth at Six Eagles Haven and asked the question, What IS my mountain?

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Discovering Beauty in All Things

Discovering Beauty in All Things

When we think of beauty, we often think of nature, animals, people, and touching moments. And yes, these are all areas filled with beauty. But what about the beauty shown in the painful moments, lessons, heartbreak, and uncertainty of life?

I’ve been thinking about beauty lately and how it’s often represented in society. Beauty is often associated with things that spark a sense of awe and wonder and grace, or superficial glamour. It’s not typically what we think of when we’re experiencing painful moments or seasons. Yet, it’s through the pain that we can come to a place of beauty and appreciation.

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My One Day Story

My One Day Story

That’s your ‘One Day’ story,” my therapist said as she looked across the room at me.

My what?” I asked as I stared at her blankly.

Your ‘One Day’ story. You know the ‘One day I’m going to paint my room this color.’ ‘One day I’m going to save money to follow my dreams.’ ‘One day I’m going to open my heart and let someone in.’ It’s the story you keep telling yourself that one day you’re going to do. Yet, you keep telling the story rather than actually doing anything to make it come true.

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Learning to Trust Your Intuition When Bobcats are Near

Learning to Trust Your Intuition When Bobcats are Near

I went for a hike at my favorite nature preserve in Dallas this afternoon. It was slightly overcast with a light breeze which is rare this time of year. As I was walking, I passed a mother and her daughter whom I’ve seen here before. I smiled and waved as I saw them coming. The mom quickly told me, “Be careful. We just saw a bobcat in the woods.” I told her that I was glad they were okay and asked exactly where they saw it. I wanted to get a sense of how close this bobcat was.

In this moment, I had a choice to make. I could take the “better safe than sorry” route or continue on my way.

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The Middle of The Climb

The Middle of The Climb

We often hear about starting and finishing as being the most challenging part of a project and a goal. And while there is some truth in that, what about the middle?

If you pick up almost any book on my book shelf, you will likely find a bookmark in the middle. I started the book, made it to the middle, and put it down to finish some other day. Sometimes it’s absent-mindlessly while other times I got tired while reading it and had intentions of coming back to it, and never made it. Before we analyze the middle, let’s look to the start.

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