Permission to Be You

Permission to Be You

As I near the completion of my 30-day (ish) blog challenge, I find myself filled with peace and gratitude. And, of course, satisfaction over the act of writing daily and showing up for the challenge. It’s more than the challenge though. It’s the peace and gratitude I’ve gained through owning and accepting who I am with love.

I’ve learned throughout this process and this year to tune inward and show up for myself first.

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Befriending Your Fear

Befriending Your Fear

What is your relationship to Fear? When Fear shows up, do you try to hide from it, or do you take some time to be with it and comfort it like you would a scared child? What if there was more to Fear and why it’s present in your psyche?

Imagine if a child was scared or afraid of something. You most likely wouldn’t abandon it or shrug it off as no big deal. No. You would likely cozy up to the child, put your arm around them, and ask why they are scared. You would lean in and comfort the child and support them in releasing their Fear. Now imagine that the child is your inner child, deep within you, afraid and scared. Asking for your support. Would you comfort it?

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Believing You Deserve What You Desire

Believing You Deserve What You Desire

I am LIVING my dream. Yet, if you asked me if I believed it, I would say no. Any other person could look at my life and see my accomplishments and big life I was living. Prior to becoming a nomad, I had traveled to 32 countries. I had a great job and a comfortable lifestyle. And I didn’t believe it.

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Perfectly Flawed

Perfectly Flawed

The next time you start criticizing yourself, pause. Turn the conversation to someone else. Would you say those things to the other person? Then why do you say it to yourself? Turn it to a positive and declare what you love, or how proud you are for the hard work and self-care you’re giving to yourself. And if you hear your friends saying it about themselves, call them on it. Remind them of what you see and what makes them unique. 

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Preparing for Launch

Preparing for Launch

The weight of all I’ve been doing is pressing on me as I prepare my heart for my second Wildhearted Retreat. This time around is different. Last year I wasn’t quite sure what I was wanting to get from the retreat, but was open to whatever would come. This time, I know I have to press inward and allow myself to heal fresh wounds and dig up ones that I’ve buried deep within. My stubborn side wants to hold on as tightly as I can and not give in or let others in. Safety tells me that I’ll be fine and that’s there’s no need to uncover my hurt, discomfort or disbelief in myself. It’s easier to keep it buried. As much as I want to keep holding on, I know I can’t. For my sake. For others. I’m not playing it safe anymore. I’m playing a bigger game in life. And it’s my turn to step up, roll the dice and see where it leads.

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Journey to My Edge

Journey to My Edge

I pushed myself to the max during Yoga Teaching Training. My body, mind and soul transformed. I found both strength and heartache throughout the journey as we dug deeper and deeper into the meaning and philosophy of yoga. I shed many tears on and off my mat as I cracked open my heart and discovered so many truths (both hard and profound) about myself. And it only made me stronger. Suffice to say, I am not the same person that I was when starting this journey. 

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Wisdom from a Tea Bag

Wisdom from a Tea Bag

Life will never be free from struggle, suffering or heartache - if yours is, then please share your secret with the world. And that inner critic will always be there. What's important is how you choose to deal with it. Allow yourself to feel and acknowledge the thoughts, and then give yourself some grace, compassion and kindness.

Read More Yourself Yourself

I've been thinking about comparison lately. Almost every quote you read shines a negative light on comparison - "comparison is a robber of joy;" "happiness in the present is shattered with comparison of the past;" "rise above the mess of comparison". Why does comparison have to be a negative thing? Is it the act of comparing itself wrong or is it what you create from that? 

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