Hi! I’m Robin
Intuitive Coach, Travel Expert & Planner, Oracle, Certified Retreat Leader, Writer, International Model & Speaker, Certified Yoga Teacher, Nomad, Aunt Extraordinaire
I have a passion for solo travel and inspiring others to live life on their terms, in their design, and within their flow.
What I Offer
1:1 Soulo Travel Coaching
Travel Planning & Design
Business Strategy Coaching
Intuitive Oracle sessions
Soulo Retreats (1:1 and group)
Reveal Your Soul Photoshoot Experiences
Get to Know Me
Q: Human Design Type?
A: Manifesting Generator, 6/2 profile
Q: Enneagram
A: 7w6
Q: Astrology
A: Sun - Sagitarrius | Moon - Scorpio | Rising - Taurus
As an Intuitive Coach, I serve as a channel for voicing the messages that your soul wants to hear. I know firsthand what it is like to question, ponder, and hide from your truth. I know what it’s like to stand on the edge of your dreams, your voice, your desires…and step back from taking the leap.
I’ve been standing on the edge most of my life. I’ve stepped to the edge ready to leap into the unknown only to be stopped by Fear. The moment Fear steps in and you give your power over to it, a part of you shrinks inside.
What if rather than hiding from of giving into Fear, you stopped to befriend it and ask what it wants and needs? What if the answers to your questions were found by leaning into the fear rather than running from it?
My journey to confronting Fear began in 2015. I was feeling at the depths of my despair seeded in depression. I felt lost and hopeless. I began seeing a therapist which led to transformational seminars and programs, a life-changing photoshoot experience, meditation, yoga, retreats, and coaching.
I started asking my heart what it really wanted and for the first time in my life, I could hear the answers. In 2018, I finally listened to the call of my heart. I quit my corporate job of 11 years, ended my lease at my apartment, sold my furniture and many of my belongings. I trusted the Universe to guide me and set off on solo travel journey around the world.
During my travels I began to ask deeper questions and learned to allow my intuition and the Universe to guide me. This led to me traveling without a plan to 19 countries across 6 continents, modeling in photoshoots in countries all over the world, and signing up for a year-long coaching program to become a Certified Retreat Leader. I gained great confidence in traveling into the unknown and taking leap after leap. I discovered and claimed myself as an Oracle and channel for others in receiving answers and insights to questions deep within their souls.
I am a co-author of the anthology ‘Transformation 2020’ and writer for my blog, Wandering Aunt. In the summer of 2020, I completed a 30-day blog challenge where I wrote 30 blogs in 30 days. This challenge allowed me to claim myself as a writer and start the journey towards writing my first book, which will be published in 2021. I use writing as a way to share my voice and intuitive wisdom to speak to the hearts and souls of others.
What are you standing on the edge of? What questions are you pondering within your heart? What is your soul calling you to embark on?
If you’re ready to gain clarity in an area of life important to you and discover what your soul wants you to know, it’s time for an Oracle to light your way. Visit the Services page to learn more about how we can journey together.
If you’re not sure which direction to take or where to start, schedule a call with me. Let’s chat about what your dreams are calling you to and together map out your journey to discovery.