Shining the Spotlight on Wandering Aunt
I am honored to be featured on several podcasts, YouTube & Instagram, speak at international conferences, and be featured in various online publications. If you are interested in featuring me on your platform, I’d love to connect! Simply drop me a message and let’s get started.
Partner with me to speak at your next event!
I speak on a variety of topics ranging from confidence & empowerment, becoming comfortable with the uncomfortable, owning your pace and who you are, living life without a plan, and lessons learned from solo traveling the world.
Authenticity & Self-Love
My Mission of Modeling in Photoshoots All Over the World
Owning Who I Am
Have a Podcast? I'd love to share my voice, inspiration, and story with your audience. I speak about living a bold unconventional life, authenticity & being seen, and using your intuition to guide you.
I’m honored to be featured on various digital and print publications.
Featured Publications
Authentic Conversations
Listen to Authentic Conversations with featured guests who empower, and motivate us all to move forward with inspired action.