“True courage is taking the next step your ego isn’t ready for and doing it anyway in the name of your highest evolution. Your ego will never be ready. You have to be wiser than the patterns within you. ”
How often do you allow your authentic self to be seen? Do you hide behind personas that others have created for you? Do you mold yourself to be someone you think will gain approval from others rather than from yourself?
It’s time to allow your whole self to be seen.
The world wants to see you. Your soul wants to be exposed. Your heart wants to be known. And I want to support you in discovering who you really are and allow your beautiful self to be seen.
Do you ever…
Feel misunderstood?
Feel like you don’t fit in with how you were taught to live and do life?
Worry about what others will think rather than honoring what you want?
Spend time doing what others are doing rather than considering what it is that you want to do?
Fear that no one will take you and your desires seriously?
If you’ve answered ‘Yes’ to any of these questions, you’re not alone.
Perhaps you’re someone who doesn’t like to plan or follow systems and structures.
You have a more organic and authentic approach to how you do things.
You’ve tried many things and just haven’t found the thing that sticks.
You’ve signed up for program after program and still haven’t felt movement.
You’ve grown so frustrated with the process that you’ve given up.
The thought of trying something else overwhelms rather than inspires you.
What if I told you…
It’s okay to be different and live differently.
It’s okay to fit inside of another box or to not fit in any box at all.
It’s okay to do things at your timing and at your pace.
It’s okay to go after what your heart desires even if you think people won’t take you seriously.
It’s okay to take a different path.
It’s okay to do things another way.
It’s time to find a new approach, and work with someone who understands all of these areas.
I’ve spent most of my life feeling lost and misunderstood. I’ve tried many programs, systems, and taken advice from others only to be left feeling even more confused. I’ve felt pressure to change or pull the trigger when my heart was screaming at me that it’s not the right time. I’ve ignored what I already know within me.
We are all wired differently. I am Sagittarius, an Enthusiast (Enneagram), Manifesting Generator (Human Design), and Rebel (4 Tendencies). I resist systems and being told to do something a specific way. I thrive off being in a group and feeding off others’ energy while working on my own stuff. It wasn’t until I invested in myself and joined a container of support that things began to shift. I saw that there is no one way to live life or do things. I learned to own who I am and the way that I am designed to move through life. I learned to trust in divine timing rather than the timing of others. I learned to be unapologetically me and allow my authentic self to shine. I learned to be seen as my most authentic self and allow my playful essence to come to life.