Becoming Aunt Robin

I have a confession. I've never been much of a baby person (human or doll). Yes, babies are cute and can light up the room when they smile or laugh. But they're also a lot of work and require nonstop undivided attention. And baby dolls, well, they just freak me out...seriously. I never owned a baby doll when I was a kid (I was always a BARBIE™ kind of gal). I am the youngest of 4 kids in my family, aka the "baby" of the family. And I have always loved that designation. In fact, I was so into that role that I actually threatened my parents and told them that if they ever had another baby, I would run away. And I meant it. 

So you can imagine my reaction when I found out that I was going to be an aunt for the first time. Yes, I was excited for my sister, but I also felt that this tiny, unborn baby would be a threat to she was going to overshadow or take something away from me. I was 20 years old and had no clue how this baby would impact me.  

As I was walking through Target, I began to experience a new area that I had never paid attention to clothing. I have always loved fashion so naturally my niece would be fashionable as well. I began buying outfits here and there to ensure that my niece would be the most fashionable baby around. I realize that this may seem superficial, but it was my way in for bonding with my niece. Gift Giving is my love language; so naturally, clothes were a part of that. And from there my supplemental income turned into my niece fund. 

In November 2005, Emilia ("Milly") was born. I still remember the day that I met her. I looked into her eyes and could see a piece of my sister within her. She was one of us. She had stolen my heart. I proudly took on the title of Aunt Robin and quickly learned that being an aunt was more than just buying cute clothes. Being an Aunt Extraordinaire did not happen overnight. It took great intention, devotion, and love to develop me into the aunt I am today. 

I look forward to sharing who I am as an aunt with you.