Happy, Alive & Full of Bold Spirit
/Do you ever notice how children get excited over the smallest of things? What we as adults often take for granted, children embrace with ecstatic joy.
Yesterday my sister and I took our weekly trip to Trader Joe’s. My 7-year old niece, Mila, had two specific requests: pickles and pigs in a blanket. As soon as we pulled up in the driveway, my 3 littles all came running out the door in excitement. This is pretty much how it goes every time I leave and come back. They are wildly excited to see me (or anyone for that matter).
“AUNT ROBIN!!!!!!!” They squeal in excitement as they say my name. I always feel like the most special person on the planet.
When we returned from the store, they eagerly helped us carry the grocery bags inside, and immediately started to go through them. They proclaimed every item as they pulled it out of the bag.
“Mommy, you’re favorite vegetable…Fennel!”
As soon as Mila saw the jar of pickles, she screamed with excitement and hugged my sister for buying them. “They’re my favorite! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!”
My sister and I laughed as we witnessed the kids pull the groceries out with excitement. It was one of those ordinary moments that we wished we had recorded. We then got in a discussion about the excitement and joy kids experience on a regular basis. Small moments like this that adults often forget to experience as we go through the motions.
Later, I pulled my journal out and wrote the question: “What makes me feel happy and alive? What do I love?”
I then proceeded to write out a list of items big and small:
Being a guide - exploring in nature, writing, daydreaming, visioning
Traveling - being among other cultures and experiencing new places
A beautiful latte that is smooth, slightly sweet and makes me feel warm inside
Supporting and promoting others; having a purpose
Modeling in photoshoots - connecting with others and learning their stories; playing; wearing beautiful clothing
Whatever I place my attention on will grow.
I went downstairs and made my own version of my latte. It was smooth, slightly sweet, and made me feel warm inside. I sat at my desk and slowly sipped my latte with appreciation. Later in the afternoon, I went for a walk and my awareness was fully present. I noticed trees around the neighborhood that I hadn’t paid attention to before. Everything I was experiencing felt like I was experiencing it for the first time.
What comes naturally to children, takes intention and mindfulness for adults to experience.
Why is that? At what point do we lose this childlike sense of curiosity and wonder? When do we take our attention from curiosity to ridicule and viewing life as “Everything is Wrong”?
One of the reasons I love to travel so much is that it takes me outside of what is known and into a world of discovery. I’m seeing places with fresh eyes and feel more freedom to participate in life and show up with excitement and a hunger for trying new experiences. I’m usually meeting new people who have no story about who I am. It’s a chance to authentically be myself with not concern of what others think. Yet, when I’m around my culture and even my tribe, I often hold back from fully expressing my bold spirit and essence of curiosity and wonder. I put my guard up and hold back. Bold Spirit is another one of My Values that I try to embody on a regular basis.
Bold Spirit
I desire to live a life of boldness, adventure, and aliveness. I understand that by learning to be comfortable with the uncomfortable, I am allowing myself to continue to come to the edge and be shown what else there is to explore through a bold courageous spirit.
It’s not always comfortable to live life with a bold spirit. It takes mindfulness, effort, and action.
To live with Bold Spirit is to carry a sense of boldness, adventure, and aliveness with you wherever you go. It takes extra courage when those around you don’t exuberate this kind of essence.
One of my most favorite days and memories was a day I spent in a remote beach village in Morocco. I felt so alive and felt like a kid again. I was traveling with my new love and enjoying every moment life brought. As we approached the beach, I looked up and saw a large flock of birds. For whatever reason, I thought it would be fun to run as fast I could towards them. “This is totally something my littles would do,” I thought as I ran towards the birds. I felt the wind from their wings brush again my face as they flew away from me. My whole weekend was like that…playful, fun, full of aliveness, and bold-spirited.
Live life every day as if you were free to chase a flock of birds.
I recently had the pleasure of talking with Jeff Harry on my new Facebook Live show, Authentic Conversations. Jeff is one of the funniest, most personable people you will ever meet. His life is centered around play. Jeff shows individuals and companies how to tap into their true selves, to feel their happiest and most fulfilled — all by playing. He has a true knack for taking serious issues like COVID and racism and recreating them in a way that sparks curiosity and causes viewers to approach heavier issues in a different light. I have learned so much from watching Jeff. He is an avid storyteller and sparks my bold spirit to come out from hiding. Check out his YouTube channel Jeff Harry Plays to view his videos.
When we show up with happiness, aliveness, and bold spirit, we give others permission to do the same.
Seeing how excited my littles get over the smallest of joys gives me permission to show up in my own playful, bold-spirited way. The next time you go to the store, buy yourself a jar of pickles (or whatever sparks your spirit) and celebrate!
How often do you play in life? What makes you feel happy and alive? Take some time to reflect and then get over your serious self and let your bold spirit shine!
Girl’s Night Inward
If you’re looking for a fun and unique way to experience more aliveness, curiosity, and bold spirit, book a Girl’s Night Inward Oracle Party! Girl’s Night Inward is a virtual event that brings your tribe together for Oracle Card readings. Learn More & Book Your Party Today!