Receiving Sacred Rest for Enlightened Work

Receiving Sacred Rest for Enlightened Work

In this particular message, the card is referring to receiving love and nourishment from the universe. When I think of nourishment, I think of a loving mother holding her baby and caring for its every need. The child is loved, nourished, and provided for. As adults, it’s not so easy to allow this type of love and nourishment into our lives. At least, that’s the case for me.

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Listening to My Body

Listening to My Body

I am one of those Early-Morning-Rising-Night-Owls...aka I go to bed late, and get up early (probably some hidden "fear of missing out" around that, but that's another story). It's become a pattern in my life, and lately it's been getting more and more difficult to manage. My body is telling me...REST! 

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