What Taking a Break from Social Media Taught Me

What Taking a Break from Social Media Taught Me

Last month, I went on a personal retreat in Colorado. It was a much needed time to be in nature and unplug from all of the craziness happening in this world. When I left on my journey, I didn’t really plan in advance to take a break from social media, it happened organically. I became more aware of why I was posting. I would stop and ask myself, “Is this post contributing to the greater good or am I posting just for likes and comments?”

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Find Your Inner Child

Find Your Inner Child

When you think of your childhood is it filled with good memories or ones of heartache and struggle? For me, I often err on the struggle side and fail to remember all of the fun that took place. I am prone to share about growing up in an unfinished house, sleeping on a couch in the middle of our basement, and living with an alcoholic parent. And while these struggles shaped me in many ways, so have all of the happy memories.

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Preparing for Launch

Preparing for Launch

The weight of all I’ve been doing is pressing on me as I prepare my heart for my second Wildhearted Retreat. This time around is different. Last year I wasn’t quite sure what I was wanting to get from the retreat, but was open to whatever would come. This time, I know I have to press inward and allow myself to heal fresh wounds and dig up ones that I’ve buried deep within. My stubborn side wants to hold on as tightly as I can and not give in or let others in. Safety tells me that I’ll be fine and that’s there’s no need to uncover my hurt, discomfort or disbelief in myself. It’s easier to keep it buried. As much as I want to keep holding on, I know I can’t. For my sake. For others. I’m not playing it safe anymore. I’m playing a bigger game in life. And it’s my turn to step up, roll the dice and see where it leads.

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