Discovering Beauty in All Things

Discovering Beauty in All Things

When we think of beauty, we often think of nature, animals, people, and touching moments. And yes, these are all areas filled with beauty. But what about the beauty shown in the painful moments, lessons, heartbreak, and uncertainty of life?

I’ve been thinking about beauty lately and how it’s often represented in society. Beauty is often associated with things that spark a sense of awe and wonder and grace, or superficial glamour. It’s not typically what we think of when we’re experiencing painful moments or seasons. Yet, it’s through the pain that we can come to a place of beauty and appreciation.

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Open and Closed for Business

Open and Closed for Business

Being self-employed and an entrepreneur is one of the most challenging things I’ve ever done. When I was working for a company, I had a boss and a team backing me. They believed in me enough to hire me and keep me around. I remember when I left my career after 11 years feeling as if I had no skills. Obviously this isn’t true, but it’s what my ego (the noise in my head) was wanting to tell me. I’ve been afraid to put myself fully out there. I’ve had to deal with conversations around money and worth and how I charge for my services. I’ve had to learn to not take things personally and know that when someone gives me a “No”, it’s not me. Not everyone is going to be the right fit.

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Perfectly Flawed

Perfectly Flawed

The next time you start criticizing yourself, pause. Turn the conversation to someone else. Would you say those things to the other person? Then why do you say it to yourself? Turn it to a positive and declare what you love, or how proud you are for the hard work and self-care you’re giving to yourself. And if you hear your friends saying it about themselves, call them on it. Remind them of what you see and what makes them unique. 

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Preparing for Launch

Preparing for Launch

The weight of all I’ve been doing is pressing on me as I prepare my heart for my second Wildhearted Retreat. This time around is different. Last year I wasn’t quite sure what I was wanting to get from the retreat, but was open to whatever would come. This time, I know I have to press inward and allow myself to heal fresh wounds and dig up ones that I’ve buried deep within. My stubborn side wants to hold on as tightly as I can and not give in or let others in. Safety tells me that I’ll be fine and that’s there’s no need to uncover my hurt, discomfort or disbelief in myself. It’s easier to keep it buried. As much as I want to keep holding on, I know I can’t. For my sake. For others. I’m not playing it safe anymore. I’m playing a bigger game in life. And it’s my turn to step up, roll the dice and see where it leads.

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From Action to Bold Freedom

From Action to Bold Freedom

I remember beginning 2017 frustrated and tired of myself. I was tired of dreaming and not doing. I had always had big dreams for myself, but held back in so many ways. The voice inside my head would say "that's a nice dream, but you'll never do it", or "what if you fail or get stuck?" But something shifted in me, and I ignored that voice and chose Action for my word and intention for the year. 

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See, And Be Seen

See, And Be Seen

When was the last time you shared with your full, open heart? And what was that experience like? Are you glad you took a chance and allowed yourself to be seen and known?

When you share with others, even when the truths or conversations are difficult to express, you are freeing yourself little by little from all you've been burying or holding within. This is when true healing begins. 

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