Others May Not Understand, And That's Okay

Others May Not Understand, And That's Okay

How many times have you wanted to do something, but stopped yourself because someone asked you, "Why would you want to do that?" Others may not understand or think you are crazy for doing something spontaneous and nonsensical, and that's okay. I had so many people ask me, "But, Why??". Perhaps to them, it sounds ridiculous, terrifying, not fun, or just crazy. Listen to yourself and have fun anyway. 

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My Southwest Airlines Companion

My Southwest Airlines Companion

At the end of 2016, I achieved the coveted Companion Pass level with Southwest Airlines which entitles me to designate one person to fly with me for free. I (of course) had many offers and proposals from friends as to why I should pick them. Unfortunately for them, they don’t live near me, so logistically it wasn’t in their favor. Being a single, wandering aunt my choices were limited. So, I went with the logical choice – my 4-year old niece, Mila. I lost some friends and family over this choice, yet it was ideal at the time. Okay so that didn’t really happen…but there was a little envy. 

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