Some People You Meet for a Day, Others You Meet for Life

Some People You Meet for a Day, Others You Meet for Life

“I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” - Maya Angelou

We don’t always know the impact that we make on others. Just by being your authentic self, expressing kindness and love you have the power to transform someone’s life for better.

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The Evolution of Self-Talk

The Evolution of Self-Talk

Have you ever stopped to listen to what the voices in your head are saying to you? When you mess up or make a mistake, what is the voice in your head telling you? Is it one of encouragement and kindness or one of ridicule and disgrace?

When I mess up or make a mistake, I am prone to listen to the critical, degrading voice in my head that tells me I’m stupid, ridiculous, careless…fill in the blank. If you had asked me which voice I listen to though, I would likely sugarcoat it and tell you, “Well, I hear the mean voice, but I don’t give much attention to it.” That’s a cute response that is completely untrue.

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Wisdom from a Tea Bag

Wisdom from a Tea Bag

Life will never be free from struggle, suffering or heartache - if yours is, then please share your secret with the world. And that inner critic will always be there. What's important is how you choose to deal with it. Allow yourself to feel and acknowledge the thoughts, and then give yourself some grace, compassion and kindness.

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