When to Jump

When to Jump

"Listen to the words playing inside you. Remember the person in the best position to decide something for you is YOU. No one else has the information that you have about yourself, your abilities, the talents that you might be hiding, the secrets that you have in your heart, or the experiences that have helped you or hindered you. Jumping is good. It’s euphoric; scary. But the Fear is outweighed by the joy of owning your own actions and taking responsibility." - When to Jump, Mike Lewis

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Work to Travel

Work to Travel

When is the last time you took a real vacation? Not a staycation (where you take time off and stay in your hometown) or drop your kids off at summer camp (although time away from them can be a vacation in itself), but a real vacation; one where you pack your bags, hop in the car for a cross-country road trip or grab your passport and jet-set across the world. 

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