Becoming Brave

Becoming Brave

What does it mean to you to be brave? What I am present to in reading others’ responses to being brave is that Brave looks different to each person yet holds a common denominator—strength and courage to take action when it would be easier to do nothing. So for some of us, speaking up and sharing our voice is a brave thing to do, while to others, it’s just a conversation. For some traveling to foreign lands or getting out of bed seems natural while to others it takes great strength and courage.

Being brave is a practice. It’s continuing to face discomfort and take action inside of it.

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No One Will Take You Seriously

No One Will Take You Seriously

“No one is going to take you seriously with your business.” The message rang loud and clear. I’ve been so afraid to put myself out there, offer my services, and tell the world what I’m doing, and how I can be of service and support. I’ve been afraid to promote myself and toot my own horn about amazing things I’m already doing (speaking on stage, leading retreats, modeling in photoshoots all over the world). I’ve made hints of what it is that I’m doing, yet, I’ve been afraid that I won’t be taken seriously or be seen as flakey. I’ve been afraid that people won’t believe me or think it’s real.

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Signs of Rocks and Bees, A Wild Story about Asking & Receiving

Signs of Rocks and Bees, A Wild Story about Asking & Receiving

How often do you stop and pay attention to the environment around you? Or better yet, how often do you pay attention to signs or patterns in your life?

I don’t know about you, but for me, I am in my head a lot. I tend to overthink, over-analyze, and pretty much drive myself (and others) crazy when it comes to making decisions or large commitments, or when I’m feeling lost in an area of life. The more I am in my head, the more frustrated and irritated I get. Luckily, I’ve done enough work in this area so I don’t let it linger too long. I try to remember that there’s always a choice. I can continue to allow myself to go through the cycle/turmoil or I can choose to do something about it.

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The Future of Not Knowing

The Future of Not Knowing

If you had told me a year ago that I would be in Dallas on the anniversary of my adventures into nomadic life, I probably would not have believed you. And if I could’ve seen that a year of gallivanting across the world would put me back where I started, I likely would’ve resisted it. I would’ve tried to alter my future so I could say that I was somewhere more exotic or doing some great adventure on my Nomadiversary.

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Stepping into my Power

Stepping into my Power

Being the youngest child of 4, it's no surprise that I like being the center of attention. When you have 3 older siblings, you're always vying for attention. And what's ironic is that while I like attention, I don't actually like when people get too close and see me for who I really am. So I like attention but from a distance. 

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Expiring in 3-2-1

Expiring in 3-2-1

On April 24, I packed up my apartment, sold my furniture and turned in my keys. Although it was temporary and knew my time would be expiring there, I embraced every moment of it. It was just the break in my cycle that I needed. And now here I am just 3 weeks later, sitting in a cafe in Thailand. It's a bit surreal. I find myself both in awe and in a trance; like at any moment I'm going to wake up and learn it was all a dream. I just pinched I know it's actually happening. 

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When to Jump

When to Jump

"Listen to the words playing inside you. Remember the person in the best position to decide something for you is YOU. No one else has the information that you have about yourself, your abilities, the talents that you might be hiding, the secrets that you have in your heart, or the experiences that have helped you or hindered you. Jumping is good. It’s euphoric; scary. But the Fear is outweighed by the joy of owning your own actions and taking responsibility." - When to Jump, Mike Lewis

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Perfectly Flawed

Perfectly Flawed

The next time you start criticizing yourself, pause. Turn the conversation to someone else. Would you say those things to the other person? Then why do you say it to yourself? Turn it to a positive and declare what you love, or how proud you are for the hard work and self-care you’re giving to yourself. And if you hear your friends saying it about themselves, call them on it. Remind them of what you see and what makes them unique. 

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Learning to Relax

Learning to Relax

There are a lot of things to learn and remember in diving - breathing, remaining calm, underwater sign language, how to clear a mask filled with water, and more. It was challenging (for me) to say the least. The instructor kept telling me to stay calm and relax. And in the end after many failed attempts, he told me that I am too tense and don't know how to relax. Too tense. Don't know how to relax. Hmm...that sounds familiar.

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