Befriending Your Fear

Befriending Your Fear

What is your relationship to Fear? When Fear shows up, do you try to hide from it, or do you take some time to be with it and comfort it like you would a scared child? What if there was more to Fear and why it’s present in your psyche?

Imagine if a child was scared or afraid of something. You most likely wouldn’t abandon it or shrug it off as no big deal. No. You would likely cozy up to the child, put your arm around them, and ask why they are scared. You would lean in and comfort the child and support them in releasing their Fear. Now imagine that the child is your inner child, deep within you, afraid and scared. Asking for your support. Would you comfort it?

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Expending Your Energy for Your Highest Good

Expending Your Energy for Your Highest Good

I’ve known most of my life that there was something different about me. I sense, see, and feel things.

From a young age, I thought something was wrong with me. I felt like I didn’t belong or fit in with others. I tried so hard to find acceptance and approval from my family, friends, teachers…pretty much everyone. I thought if enough people liked me then I would be okay, and that these strange sensations and mood swings would go away. Yet, how much people liked me didn’t really matter. It wasn’t about them; it was my own internal battle. I would notice my energy shift. One minute I’d be laughing and having a good time and the next I’d be uncomfortable and wanting a way out. The shifts never made sense to me. I thought it there was something wrong that couldn’t be fixed. I had no idea that these sensations and shifts in energy were part of my Human Design.

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Some People You Meet for a Day, Others You Meet for Life

Some People You Meet for a Day, Others You Meet for Life

“I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” - Maya Angelou

We don’t always know the impact that we make on others. Just by being your authentic self, expressing kindness and love you have the power to transform someone’s life for better.

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Bringing Your Gifts to the Present

Bringing Your Gifts to the Present

What gifts do you have to offer the world that you’ve been hiding behind or pretending are not valuable?

This morning as I sat down to meditate, I opened Insight Timer and came across a mediation titled “Your Gift, Your Purpose.” The description was enticing to me so I chose to tune in.

This opening story or inquiry was very confronting for me. First of all, I have been in a similar situation (as described at the beginning) where I’ve poured my heart into a gift only for it to be left unopened and underappreciated. And the feelings I experienced were hurt and shame over ‘why did I buy this gift in the first place?’. In other words, it didn’t feel good. And second, it caused me to ask, “What are my gifts? Do I have any gifts that I’m not using?”

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Discovering Beauty in All Things

Discovering Beauty in All Things

When we think of beauty, we often think of nature, animals, people, and touching moments. And yes, these are all areas filled with beauty. But what about the beauty shown in the painful moments, lessons, heartbreak, and uncertainty of life?

I’ve been thinking about beauty lately and how it’s often represented in society. Beauty is often associated with things that spark a sense of awe and wonder and grace, or superficial glamour. It’s not typically what we think of when we’re experiencing painful moments or seasons. Yet, it’s through the pain that we can come to a place of beauty and appreciation.

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Finding Resilience While Wandering in the Desert

Finding Resilience While Wandering in the Desert

My 7-year old niece loves to play the ‘Would You Rather Game’. Would you rather smell like a dog or smell like a cat? Would you rather have a pet fish or a pet turtle? Would you rather be 10 feet tall or 10 inches tall? She often sends me these questions from the Facebook Messenger Kids app. I always reply with the first answer that pops into my head.

This afternoon we were chatting and she asked me, “Would you rather spend a year living in Antarctica or spend a year living in the desert?” I thought about this for a moment. “The desert,” I replied. “Because I know that it will at least cool down at night and offer some relief.

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