Honor Your Impulse

Honor Your Impulse

When the impulse arises to do something, do you seize the moment and act on it? Or do you let it pass like a cloud moving in the sky likely not to return again? 

I've been thinking a lot lately about this concept. How often do you do things on a whim without much reason behind it? An idea arises, your brain says, "Oh, let's do that!" and without much thought or reason, you take a chance and just go with it. When you take the chance and go with it, it can be exhilarating and feel wild and freeing in the moment.

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Homesick for Travel

Homesick for Travel

And believe it or not, I rarely get homesick when I'm away - at least not in the way that others do. Yes, I miss my friends and family, and Whole Foods (obviously), but I don't long to be back in the same way others do. I get more homesick for travel than I do for home.

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Listening to My Body

Listening to My Body

I am one of those Early-Morning-Rising-Night-Owls...aka I go to bed late, and get up early (probably some hidden "fear of missing out" around that, but that's another story). It's become a pattern in my life, and lately it's been getting more and more difficult to manage. My body is telling me...REST! 

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Finding Beauty Beyond the Voice

Finding Beauty Beyond the Voice

How often do you listen to the voice in your head? Like really, stop and listen. Are the things that it's saying kind, motivating, and confident? Or are they negative and degrading? I heard an interesting perspective on this in a recent yoga class. The instructor invited us to take the things the voice is saying and make it about someone else. Would you say to another person what the voice is telling you? You're Ugly. You can't do that. No one likes you. Chances are you wouldn't say those things to another person, so why do you say them to yourself? 

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Unprepared for the Climb

Unprepared for the Climb

I recently spent 2 weeks in Guatemala -- a country filled with luscious green trees, rolling hills, and active volcanoes. I knew prior to the trip that I would be hiking up a volcano while visiting Antigua. I had heard that it wasn't a major hike so hiking boots weren't needed (and I didn't want to take up the extra space by bringing them). Lesson #1: When going hiking, always pack proper shoes

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Learning to Relax

Learning to Relax

There are a lot of things to learn and remember in diving - breathing, remaining calm, underwater sign language, how to clear a mask filled with water, and more. It was challenging (for me) to say the least. The instructor kept telling me to stay calm and relax. And in the end after many failed attempts, he told me that I am too tense and don't know how to relax. Too tense. Don't know how to relax. Hmm...that sounds familiar.

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Guatemala: Wildhearted Retreat Part 1

Guatemala: Wildhearted Retreat Part 1

In less than one month, I will embark on a deep meditative, spiritual journey with 8 to 10 other women at Wildhearted Retreat on Lake Atitlán in Guatemala. Led by my dear friend, mentor, and beautiful soul, Ashlie Woods, Wildhearted will dive deep into the inner workings of oneself and unleash your wildheart.  

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Wait for it, Wait for it...I'm No Different

Wait for it, Wait for it...I'm No Different

This obsession and repetitive behavior with watching the same thing over and over again got me thinking. What is it about these movies (Moana, Frozen, etc) that draws children (and adults...you know you like it too) in and hooks them?

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