Harder to Forgive, Yourself

Harder to Forgive, Yourself

When it comes to forgiving yourself, you are extending grace to yourself. You are making a choice to end suffering by accepting what is and isn’t, and setting yourself free. And when it arises again, simply remind yourself of this. You did the best you could with the energy you had at the time.

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Expiring in 3-2-1

Expiring in 3-2-1

On April 24, I packed up my apartment, sold my furniture and turned in my keys. Although it was temporary and knew my time would be expiring there, I embraced every moment of it. It was just the break in my cycle that I needed. And now here I am just 3 weeks later, sitting in a cafe in Thailand. It's a bit surreal. I find myself both in awe and in a trance; like at any moment I'm going to wake up and learn it was all a dream. I just pinched myself...so I know it's actually happening. 

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See, And Be Seen

See, And Be Seen

When was the last time you shared with your full, open heart? And what was that experience like? Are you glad you took a chance and allowed yourself to be seen and known?

When you share with others, even when the truths or conversations are difficult to express, you are freeing yourself little by little from all you've been burying or holding within. This is when true healing begins. 

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Honor Your Impulse

Honor Your Impulse

When the impulse arises to do something, do you seize the moment and act on it? Or do you let it pass like a cloud moving in the sky likely not to return again? 

I've been thinking a lot lately about this concept. How often do you do things on a whim without much reason behind it? An idea arises, your brain says, "Oh, let's do that!" and without much thought or reason, you take a chance and just go with it. When you take the chance and go with it, it can be exhilarating and feel wild and freeing in the moment.

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