No One Will Take You Seriously

No One Will Take You Seriously

“No one is going to take you seriously with your business.” The message rang loud and clear. I’ve been so afraid to put myself out there, offer my services, and tell the world what I’m doing, and how I can be of service and support. I’ve been afraid to promote myself and toot my own horn about amazing things I’m already doing (speaking on stage, leading retreats, modeling in photoshoots all over the world). I’ve made hints of what it is that I’m doing, yet, I’ve been afraid that I won’t be taken seriously or be seen as flakey. I’ve been afraid that people won’t believe me or think it’s real.

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Under the Microscope

Under the Microscope

I feel like I’ve been under the microscope. I’ve been pursuing many things that have put me in a position of constant learning, improving and performing. And those are all good things! However, my approach to them has not been so good. I've inflicted so much pressure on myself. 

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I See You, Doubt

I See You, Doubt

Doubt will show up when you're trying something new - we are human after all. And rather than dismissing it completely, ask yourself why doubt is there and listen for the answer. If the answer appears to be more fear-based and inauthentic, then thank it for showing up and ask it to step away. You've got this. 

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