Open and Closed for Business

Open and Closed for Business

Being self-employed and an entrepreneur is one of the most challenging things I’ve ever done. When I was working for a company, I had a boss and a team backing me. They believed in me enough to hire me and keep me around. I remember when I left my career after 11 years feeling as if I had no skills. Obviously this isn’t true, but it’s what my ego (the noise in my head) was wanting to tell me. I’ve been afraid to put myself fully out there. I’ve had to deal with conversations around money and worth and how I charge for my services. I’ve had to learn to not take things personally and know that when someone gives me a “No”, it’s not me. Not everyone is going to be the right fit.

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The Future of Not Knowing

The Future of Not Knowing

If you had told me a year ago that I would be in Dallas on the anniversary of my adventures into nomadic life, I probably would not have believed you. And if I could’ve seen that a year of gallivanting across the world would put me back where I started, I likely would’ve resisted it. I would’ve tried to alter my future so I could say that I was somewhere more exotic or doing some great adventure on my Nomadiversary.

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Under the Microscope

Under the Microscope

I feel like I’ve been under the microscope. I’ve been pursuing many things that have put me in a position of constant learning, improving and performing. And those are all good things! However, my approach to them has not been so good. I've inflicted so much pressure on myself. 

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