My One Day Story

My One Day Story

That’s your ‘One Day’ story,” my therapist said as she looked across the room at me.

My what?” I asked as I stared at her blankly.

Your ‘One Day’ story. You know the ‘One day I’m going to paint my room this color.’ ‘One day I’m going to save money to follow my dreams.’ ‘One day I’m going to open my heart and let someone in.’ It’s the story you keep telling yourself that one day you’re going to do. Yet, you keep telling the story rather than actually doing anything to make it come true.

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No One Will Take You Seriously

No One Will Take You Seriously

“No one is going to take you seriously with your business.” The message rang loud and clear. I’ve been so afraid to put myself out there, offer my services, and tell the world what I’m doing, and how I can be of service and support. I’ve been afraid to promote myself and toot my own horn about amazing things I’m already doing (speaking on stage, leading retreats, modeling in photoshoots all over the world). I’ve made hints of what it is that I’m doing, yet, I’ve been afraid that I won’t be taken seriously or be seen as flakey. I’ve been afraid that people won’t believe me or think it’s real.

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Tell the Truth, Even When It Hurts

Tell the Truth, Even When It Hurts

As children, we all go through learning what it is to tell the truth and face consequences when we choose not to. It’s an innate fear that we go through as human beings. Something happens and we are afraid to own it. It’s easier to pretend or lie than to tell the truth. Cue the Full House music and Danny telling Michelle that if she had just come forward and said what she did, she wouldn’t have been in trouble.

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See, And Be Seen

See, And Be Seen

When was the last time you shared with your full, open heart? And what was that experience like? Are you glad you took a chance and allowed yourself to be seen and known?

When you share with others, even when the truths or conversations are difficult to express, you are freeing yourself little by little from all you've been burying or holding within. This is when true healing begins. 

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