Becoming Brave

Becoming Brave

What does it mean to you to be brave? What I am present to in reading others’ responses to being brave is that Brave looks different to each person yet holds a common denominator—strength and courage to take action when it would be easier to do nothing. So for some of us, speaking up and sharing our voice is a brave thing to do, while to others, it’s just a conversation. For some traveling to foreign lands or getting out of bed seems natural while to others it takes great strength and courage.

Being brave is a practice. It’s continuing to face discomfort and take action inside of it.

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My One Day Story

My One Day Story

That’s your ‘One Day’ story,” my therapist said as she looked across the room at me.

My what?” I asked as I stared at her blankly.

Your ‘One Day’ story. You know the ‘One day I’m going to paint my room this color.’ ‘One day I’m going to save money to follow my dreams.’ ‘One day I’m going to open my heart and let someone in.’ It’s the story you keep telling yourself that one day you’re going to do. Yet, you keep telling the story rather than actually doing anything to make it come true.

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The Vulnerability in Asking

The Vulnerability in Asking

I walked into the kitchen and found an empty Instant Carnation coffee tin.

This will be perfect,” I thought.

I left the room with my tin in hand and walked into the office. I took a white piece of paper and cut a small rectangle from it. I took a pen out and wrote the words “Donations” on the outside of it. I taped the paper to the outside of the tin and smiled.

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Everything Is Wrong

Everything Is Wrong

What is your filter on life? Do you ever walk around with a certain theme that clouds or filters your view of everything?

For me, I’ve been stuck in the world of “Everything is Wrong.” And by everything, I mean everything. Some days I feel like I can’t do or say anything right. No matter what I do or don’t do, it’s wrong.

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Where'd You Go, Robin?

Where'd You Go, Robin?

2020 has been an extremely difficult and unexpected year for the entire world. For me personally, there’s been a lot of change, heartbreak, loss, and regret. As a nomad, I went from the freedom of traveling the world to being confined to one spot; in February, I ended a relationship with a man that I love and have had to deal with the regret and heartbreak from that decision; and then with COVID and all of the anti-racism movements happening, my system was in overload. After my cousin died, it was the final straw for my emotional well-being. I found myself distant from my friends and family and unable to maintain healthy boundaries or communication.

I knew it was time for me to go inward and tune out for a bit.

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An Open Letter about Faith, Religion, and Freedom

An Open Letter about Faith, Religion, and Freedom

This post is by far the most vulnerable, open, and difficult post I’ve ever written. It’s taken me several days to actually write everything out, and a lifetime to reach the point of being brave enough to share it. My hope is that you will read it from a place of love and acceptance, rather than from a place of judgment and disappointment. While this post is written for my own freedom, I know others out there who have struggled with their own faith and religious identity who need to hear it and need to know that they are not alone.

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Tell the Truth, Even When It Hurts

Tell the Truth, Even When It Hurts

As children, we all go through learning what it is to tell the truth and face consequences when we choose not to. It’s an innate fear that we go through as human beings. Something happens and we are afraid to own it. It’s easier to pretend or lie than to tell the truth. Cue the Full House music and Danny telling Michelle that if she had just come forward and said what she did, she wouldn’t have been in trouble.

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Expiring in 3-2-1

Expiring in 3-2-1

On April 24, I packed up my apartment, sold my furniture and turned in my keys. Although it was temporary and knew my time would be expiring there, I embraced every moment of it. It was just the break in my cycle that I needed. And now here I am just 3 weeks later, sitting in a cafe in Thailand. It's a bit surreal. I find myself both in awe and in a trance; like at any moment I'm going to wake up and learn it was all a dream. I just pinched I know it's actually happening. 

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