How Not Getting What I Wanted Freed Me

How Not Getting What I Wanted Freed Me

While I did not get what I wanted, I can now see the beauty in not getting it at this time. Had I gotten it, I may not have been present to these hard learned lessons. I wouldn’t have allowed myself the space to feel and be with my thoughts and emotions. And nothing is lost. I will continue with my project and pursue other ways to fund it.

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The Future of Not Knowing

The Future of Not Knowing

If you had told me a year ago that I would be in Dallas on the anniversary of my adventures into nomadic life, I probably would not have believed you. And if I could’ve seen that a year of gallivanting across the world would put me back where I started, I likely would’ve resisted it. I would’ve tried to alter my future so I could say that I was somewhere more exotic or doing some great adventure on my Nomadiversary.

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Harder to Forgive, Yourself

Harder to Forgive, Yourself

When it comes to forgiving yourself, you are extending grace to yourself. You are making a choice to end suffering by accepting what is and isn’t, and setting yourself free. And when it arises again, simply remind yourself of this. You did the best you could with the energy you had at the time.

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The Year of Bold Freedom and Unplanned Adventures

The Year of Bold Freedom and Unplanned Adventures

2018 has been one of the most challenging, epic, and rewarding years I’ve experienced in my 34 years of living. And when I declared it to be the Year of Bold Freedom, I had no idea how much these two powerful words would impact each step I took along the way. I took more chances than I’ve ever taken; said Yes! to more adventures in life; allowed myself time to reset, heal, and surrender; and discovered what it is to be a confident, daring, and bold woman.

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Finding My Way in Torres Del Paine

Finding My Way in Torres Del Paine

There is a beauty to traveling on your own. You can stop as many times as you want to rest, eat, take pictures, meditate, etc. And while there were many times when I was missing my travel buddies, I knew this journey was meant to be on my own. It was just as much a spiritual, soul searching journey as it was one of fun and adventure.

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Lost (and Found) in Translation

Lost (and Found) in Translation

I have run into some interesting occurrences throughout this journey. And Google Translate is not always my friend. It botches translations and is not always accurate. But it does help me more than if I did not have it.

Colombia placed me in challenging situations of being lost and not knowing how to find my way, to dealing with the frustration of not being able to connect with people I meet—simply because we do not speak each other’s language.

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Stepping into my Power

Stepping into my Power

Being the youngest child of 4, it's no surprise that I like being the center of attention. When you have 3 older siblings, you're always vying for attention. And what's ironic is that while I like attention, I don't actually like when people get too close and see me for who I really am. So I like attention but from a distance. 

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