Journey to My Edge

Journey to My Edge

I pushed myself to the max during Yoga Teaching Training. My body, mind and soul transformed. I found both strength and heartache throughout the journey as we dug deeper and deeper into the meaning and philosophy of yoga. I shed many tears on and off my mat as I cracked open my heart and discovered so many truths (both hard and profound) about myself. And it only made me stronger. Suffice to say, I am not the same person that I was when starting this journey. 

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Wisdom from a Tea Bag

Wisdom from a Tea Bag

Life will never be free from struggle, suffering or heartache - if yours is, then please share your secret with the world. And that inner critic will always be there. What's important is how you choose to deal with it. Allow yourself to feel and acknowledge the thoughts, and then give yourself some grace, compassion and kindness.

Read More Yourself Yourself

I've been thinking about comparison lately. Almost every quote you read shines a negative light on comparison - "comparison is a robber of joy;" "happiness in the present is shattered with comparison of the past;" "rise above the mess of comparison". Why does comparison have to be a negative thing? Is it the act of comparing itself wrong or is it what you create from that? 

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From Action to Bold Freedom

From Action to Bold Freedom

I remember beginning 2017 frustrated and tired of myself. I was tired of dreaming and not doing. I had always had big dreams for myself, but held back in so many ways. The voice inside my head would say "that's a nice dream, but you'll never do it", or "what if you fail or get stuck?" But something shifted in me, and I ignored that voice and chose Action for my word and intention for the year. 

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Others May Not Understand, And That's Okay

Others May Not Understand, And That's Okay

How many times have you wanted to do something, but stopped yourself because someone asked you, "Why would you want to do that?" Others may not understand or think you are crazy for doing something spontaneous and nonsensical, and that's okay. I had so many people ask me, "But, Why??". Perhaps to them, it sounds ridiculous, terrifying, not fun, or just crazy. Listen to yourself and have fun anyway. 

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See, And Be Seen

See, And Be Seen

When was the last time you shared with your full, open heart? And what was that experience like? Are you glad you took a chance and allowed yourself to be seen and known?

When you share with others, even when the truths or conversations are difficult to express, you are freeing yourself little by little from all you've been burying or holding within. This is when true healing begins. 

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I See You, Doubt

I See You, Doubt

Doubt will show up when you're trying something new - we are human after all. And rather than dismissing it completely, ask yourself why doubt is there and listen for the answer. If the answer appears to be more fear-based and inauthentic, then thank it for showing up and ask it to step away. You've got this. 

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Namaste, A New Journey Begins

Namaste, A New Journey Begins

If you had told me at the beginning of the year that I would be doing this, I would not have believed you. Action has propelled me forward in more ways than I thought possible. I am intimidated and excited about this journey. I know it will challenge and push me in ways beyond that I think I'm capable of. I am committed to seeing this through and completing my year of ACTION with a bang.

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